Arthritis Care

Arthritis is a common condition that causes pain and inflammation in a joint and can affect people of all ages.

Due to the nature of the condition, it can sometimes become slightly debilitating and compromise a person’s independence, for example their ability to carry out everyday tasks.

At Bridgewater Home Care we offer specialist arthritis care which is a tailored service based upon the abilities of the individual and the symptoms of the condition.

We understand that arthritis can affect people in many different ways, however our clients have one common desire; the ability to live as independently as possible from the comfort of their own home.

With the help of our Care Specialists, individuals are able to continue doing the things they love with as little disruption to their normal lives as possible.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

The two most common types of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, Symptoms will depend on the type and severity of the condition, these include:

• Joint pain, tenderness, and stiffness
• Inflammation in and around the joints
• Restricted movement of the joints
• Warm red skin over the affected joint
• Weakness and muscle wasting



Osteoarthritis is the most common type of arthritis in the UK affecting nearly 9 million people. It most commonly develops in people in their mid-40s or older.

It's also more common in women and people with a family history of the condition.
It can occur at any age due to an injury or from association with another joint-related condition, such as gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis initially affects the smooth cartilage lining of the joint, making movement more difficult than usual. This leads to pain and stiffness. Once the cartilage lining starts to roughen and thin out, the tendons and ligaments have to work harder which can cause swelling and the formation of bony spurs called osteophytes. Severe loss of cartilage can lead to bone rubbing on bone, altering the shape of the joint and forcing the bones out of their normal position.

The most commonly affected joints are those in the Hands, Spine, Knees & Hips

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis

In the UK, rheumatoid arthritis affects more than 400,000 people. It often starts between the ages of 40 and 50 years old, with women being 3 times more likely to be affected than men.

In rheumatoid arthritis, the body's immune system targets specific joints, leading to inflammation and pain in this area. This type of arthritis can spread across the joint, leading to further swelling and a change in the shape of the joint. This may cause the bone and cartilage to break down. People with rheumatoid arthritis can also develop problems with other tissues and organs in their body.

How can Bridgewater Home Care help?

There are a number of ways in which a Bridgewater Care Specialist can help a loved one to continue to live well at home, enabling them to still enjoy doing the things they love most.

We believe a condition such as arthritis should not stop individuals leading a fulfilling and exciting life – with our help and support we can assist with a variety of everyday tasks to make the condition much more manageable.

Our Care Specialists can help with:

Home Help and Housekeeping

light housework, cleaning, laundry, ironing, rearranging light furniture and appliances for easy reach and helping to carry things around the home.

Personal Care

maintaining good personal hygiene, help with bathing and dressing, toileting assistance, help dressing and undressing, assistance with the morning and night time routine.

Our personal care service can also include help with mobility and strength exercises which can help to reduce the painful effects of arthritis.

Specialist Care

A more specialist service helping with more complex conditions and administering medication.

Our Care Specialists are expertly trained to assist with a variety of specialist conditions, as well as recognising signs and behaviours that may indicate additional symptoms or complications.

There are also a number of supportive aids we can advise on for around the home to help cope with arthritis such as: using levers around the home to distribute weight, gripping exercises, using handles to grip object, handrails, long-handle tools or using levers for handles and taps.

Find your Bridgewater Home Care Companion

If you are interested in the services that Bridgewater Home Care can offer then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01942 215 888, our friendly and professional team will be delighted to assist.