Keeping well at home

Growing old has its challenges and can be an unsettling time for both the individual and their family. However, one of the major benefits of care at home is the ability to maintain independence and to continue living life your way in familiar, comfortable surroundings.

At Bridgewater Home Care not only do we provide physical and emotional care and support to your loved one, but we also help to improve health and wellbeing through a variety of methods from the home. There are a number of important factors to think about during older age, such as nutrition, keeping hydrated and keeping active, and we aim to provide the tools and support needed to help your loved one live well.

Please feel free to take a look at the help sheets we recommend for tips and advice on how to keep well at home.

  • Age UK – Living with Dementia


  • Age UK – Healthy Living


  • Alzheimers Society Dementia Helpsheets


  • NHS


Make an enquiry

If you are interested in the services that Bridgewater Home Care can offer then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01942 215 888, our friendly and professional team will be delighted to assist.