Reablement Support

If you or someone you know has been in hospital with an illness, for treatment, or for surgery, temporary care at home may be required to help with successful recovery whilst maintaining and developing independence.

The aim of reablement support is to help the individual with any post-illness or post-surgery treatment and aftercare for as long as is needed – this may be weeks, months or long term. An important factor to help aid recovery is to allow the individual to remain independent at home, helping them to lead as normal a life as possible.

If you think a loved one could benefit from reablement support, you can either arrange this through the hospital before discharge or contact Bridgewater Home Care directly to find out how we can help your loved one remain comfortable and supported at home.

There are significant benefits to requesting reablement support, such as:

• Avoiding unnecessary admission to hospital
• Maintaining independence after and illness or surgery
• Help and support from the comfort of the home when daily tasks become difficult
• Take away the need for a stay at a rehabilitation centre or moving permanently into a residential home
• Improve confidence when living at home independently

If a loved one has experienced a minor injury or a fall, often being admitted into hospital may not be necessary. In some instances, the individual is able to recover better at home with the addition of extra support and home-help. It also allows for more flexibility, such as family members visiting, choosing how to spend their day or what and when to eat.

Our Care Specialists can help aid their recovery with the necessary aftercare; if everyday tasks become challenging whilst recovering, we can help to find new ways to complete tasks whilst maintaining a comfortable living space. The aim of our Care Specialists is to observe, guide and encourage a loved one to improve their confidence and skills when carrying out daily tasks such as washing, getting dressed or preparing meals.

How can Bridgewater Home Care help?

Assistance getting in and out of bed each evening and morning


Daily tasks such as bathing, washing, brushing teeth and dressing


Exercises or mobility and strength activities


Help with diet, nutrition, hydration and meal preparation


Food shopping or arranging and collection prescriptions


Companionship and emotional support


Morning and nightly routines and securing the house at night


Accompanying to the shops or for exercise, walks or any appointments



If you or a loved one are already receiving care at home but require additional support after an illness it may mean that reablement support is provided for a short period of time. We work around clients and their families to manage the progression of an individual from hospital, through reablement and to continued care and support. This allows our Care Specialists to monitor the condition and abilities of the people we care for whilst also making sure the correct level of support is being provided.

For those living with dementia, a prolonged stay in hospital can be distressing, especially when staying in a noisy or unfamiliar environment. Reablement support can allow those more vulnerable to receive the care they require in familiar surroundings. Our Care Specialists can advise which specialised dementia care your loved one could benefit from and provide that much-needed encouragement and support to carry out everyday tasks.

Find your Bridgewater Home Care Companion

If you are interested in the services that Bridgewater Home Care can offer then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01942 215 888, our friendly and professional team will be delighted to assist.