An ABI can be a completely life changing condition to live with, both for the individual and the family, however there are ways to help the people we care for to live well and support the families of loved ones. With our specialist care we start with you, tailoring our care around the needs of the individual and the wishes of the family members.
At Bridgewater Home Care, our Care Specialists are there to provide essential daily care and support for those living with the condition, enabling them to lead as independent a life as possible. This could be simple companionship such as being a familiar face for comfort and support, or more specialist care such as medication assistance or monitoring of the condition.
We pride ourselves in our training and development programmes at Bridgewater Home Care and are continuously developing our Care Specialists’ skills in order to deliver the most effective care solutions for those with specialist conditions.
Our award-winning training affords our team the ability to stay up to date with recent developments of medical conditions, best practices and the most appropriate types of care for those living with an ABI, so you can rest assured that your loved one is in the best possible hands.
Our specialist care also affords those with caring responsibilities, such as family members, some time back to themselves and a break from the daily duties of caring for a loved one. We not only support the individuals we look after, but also the wider family, who all become part of our own Bridgewater family.
If you think a loved one could benefit from specialist care and support from home, please get in touch with our friendly team to discuss personalised, tailored care.